Thursday, August 2, 2007

Rails common causes

Ii f yourRails application is not starting, please check the common
causes below:

* The dispatch.fcgi or dispatch.cgi has an incorrect path to Ruby.
This won't be the case if you used the ocs-install-rails script,
but if you developed on another machine, please make sure the path
is #!/usr/bin/ruby in all scripts that include a Ruby path at the
top (including the dispatch scripts in public folder and the
generators and other utilities in the script folder)
* Make sure that the dispatch.fcgi and dispatch.cgi scripts have
0755 (-rwxr-xr-x) permissions.
* Make sure that your database information is correct if your script
is using a database. This is found in config/database.yml.
Remember to ensure that both development and production mode
databases are set, or at least the one you will be running in for now.
* Make sure you are accessing the Rails app with a trailing / after
the URL, like instead of

If you haven't solved the problem with the above troubleshooting items,
try running dispatch.cgi on the command line via SSH. You can do this by

cd ~/rails_sites/yourapp/public

Replace yourapp with the name of your Rails instance.

Hopefully, you will get some valuable information as to what is going on.

If you can't solve it from that, please forward this to our support team
so we can diagnose the problem.

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